Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful by the Tens.

Okay, here's the thing... i am thankful for so many things, but i'll try to boil it down to ten.

1. I'm thankful for the knowledgable hospital staff at NeoNatal who looked after my son in the first 2.5 weeks of his life. I'll never be able to thank them enough

2. I'm thankful for my fabulous husband who supports me in more ways than he knows. He's so awesome.

3. I'm thankful that i live in a country where i have access to Free Health Care.

4. I'm thankful for every smile and every laugh that my son sees fit to share with me.

5. I'm thankful for vibrating baby chairs. Good lord, am i ever thankful for those.

6. I'm thankful that I have many talents - some that I share with others, some that are only for my husband (meaow!) and some that i keep to myself.

7. I'm thankful for quiet times, when Chewie is sleeping and i can decompress.

8. I'm thankful for Mommy and Baby Yoga... it helps me find my centre.

9. I'm thankful for the friendships i have, online and off, and how special everyone is to me in their own way.

10. I'm thankful that i won't have to wait long for my surgery. Gallbladder, you'll soon be gone.


Anonymous said...

Great things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving! I joined in on Marie's meme today too.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful list! Isn't life great! Thanks for joining my meme. Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day!

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