Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ten Little Things I've Learned About Being a Mom:

Well, i've been a mom for about 2 and a half months now, and i'm accumulating some interesting tidbits of information that i never had before.

  1. Breastmilk is really sticky
  2. When babies are first born, they strain so hard while pooping that they cry and turn purple and struggle... then you change their diapers to see that there's only a dime sized poop in there... turns out that babies aren't sure which muscles to use to poop, so they use them all.
  3. Watching a baby throw a fit is absolutely adorable
  4. In less than three months i've been hit with projectile baby snot more times than i can remember...clean clothes are a thing of the past
  5. When you think you have enough time to run errands in between feeds is when he'll decide to grow and want to cluster feed every hour
  6. Babies make for great small talk when strangers talk to you're in line ups at the drug store
  7. Everyone loves a tiny baby
  8. Breastmilk doesn't just squirt out from one place, but from several spots on the nipple... the first time i pumped i was amazed
  9. Housework is for chumps...actually, housework is - in reality - a dream of a time when i have energy to do the simple things... and do more than just empty the dishwasher
  10. Seeing your baby smile = best thing in the universe


FourLeafClover said...

I understand all of these.

Eva said...

All except projectile snot. Really? That happens? I was most incredibly amazed by #8...who knew we had that many little holes in our nipples?!

Pierrette said...

#10 is the best reason in the whole wide world why being a mom is the best job in the whole wide world

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